life after divorce

Is There Life After Divorce?

Is there life after divorce? Sure, there is! If you are currently feeling the effects of divorce and emotional over whelm it’s time to take a positive step towards discovering the freedom that is yours to have. As individuals we each have the ability to choose how we feel. The pain associated to loss of a relationship is real and often devastating, but for how long will you allow yourself to suffer the effects of divorce? No one but you can change the way you feel, and no one but you can decide when It’s time to leave the past behind and mover forward into a brighter more optimistic future.

The question becomes how to move forward. If you feel ready, tired of feeling a lethargic, depressed and angry it’s time to take a positive step and begin designing a future that brings you happiness. If you need help, ask for help. If you need support, ask for support. Don’t feel you need to do it alone. You will succeed much faster with the support and guidance of a professional who is focused on your well-being. I can help you if you are ready and committed to doing whatever it takes to move forward.

Life after divorce

Healing after divorce is a process that does take time, as all healing does. How fast depends on your individual experience and perception of the circumstances. Likely you have pain within that you are afraid to tap into. Acknowledging the pain, learning from the lessons you have experienced and changing life patterns so you can design a brighter future having exactly what you want takes personal commitment. Stop repeating the negative patterns and habits of your past and start living with happiness. The choice is yours.

Children know how to create big dreams, and when permitted have imaginative stories that to them seem real. Do you feel like you’ve lost your creativity? If so, it’s time to begin believing in miracles again. It’s time to release the child-like fascination that anything is possible. It is your time to develop a positive life with positive results.

Learn how to release your limiting beliefs. Allow yourself to dream big. Begin creating a life that inspires you. Start deliberately choosing more positive emotions instead of allowing yourself to participate in the emotional after divorce

It can be easy, or it can be difficult. It can depend on the layers of negative experience you have allowed into your conscious thinking and how willing you are to release those thoughts. Thoughts create reality. Nothing is created without first being a thought. The choice, again, is yours. How much time and energy do you want to spend on feeling as though there is a knot in your stomach, ache in your bones and pain in your heart?

If you are ready to begin having a new found freedom in your life  after divorce allow me to guide and support you down the path of discovering a happier, brighter future. Stop repeating the same habits and making the same bad choices that continue to bring you grief. Start creating more joy and living your life with the purpose you were born to live. You are a valuable human being. You have love in your heart that needs to be shared. You have beautiful qualities needing to be released and enjoyed. You are unique and the world needs to see what you have to offer.

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