starting over after divorce with no money

Starting over After Divorce with no Money

If you are starting over after divorce with no money it’s time to shift your thoughts and discover how to recover. In difficult economic times the divorce rate increases substantially. The lack of money impacts self-esteem, self-worth, self-confidence and robs people of all values. Low income, unemployed are more likely to divorce, commit crime, suffer from depression and worse. So, what are the answers?

Never give up hope or succumb to pressure! As difficult as it may seem if you’re suffering from any of the above it’s time to rally and do everything you can to move forward. There are people happy in relationships, wealthy & living better than they ever imagined, you can too! Blaming circumstances and allowing yourself to be defeated will only result in attracting more loss. Too many good people are finding themselves in distressful situations and it’s unnecessary.

Struggling financially after divorce

Too often when help is needed the most ego rears its’ ugly head and holds us back from asking for assistance in the right places.  Each State or Province is different so all services available are not listed here. What you can do for yourself is start inquiring locally. Ask your government agency where you can get financial help.

  • Find out where food banks, soup kitchens, etc. 
  • Contact local Churches and get involved in support groups.
  • Co-ordinate and organize a group if there isn’t currently one for your needs.
  •  Offer your services in areas of your expertise in exchange for something you need.  Often volunteering your services can result in paid employment once you’ve proven yourself.
  • Begin researching through the local library, online groups, google, second-hand book stores. Read everything you can about one specific topic you’re interested in and become an expert.  Once you know valuable information begin sharing it in groups, giving classes or starting your own blog.  Sharing your value and information may begin to provide income. Even if it doesn’t right away it is putting your mind and energy to good use and moving you towards a future that’s better.starting over after divorce with no money

It’s time to recover financially 

Don’t waste time sitting around over coffee and blaming, complaining and making excuses for the situation you’re currently in. Yes, you’re starting over after divorce with no money! So, do something about it and become a better person for it. Every single person has value. Each person has specific attributes. Everybody can do something to make a difference somewhere, some how. What can you do today to begin serving your community?

Too often, when life gets difficult people’s reaction is to crumble and complain. People have lost everything in home fires, floods, hurricanes, tornados, sunami, and yes even divorce, but the ones who come back fighting with persistence and determination are usually grateful for what the experience taught them. People come together in difficult times as human nature is compassionate.

If you are going through tough times, now is when you most need to find your value and demonstrate exactly how much fortitude you have. You can do it!  You matter!  You will make a difference if you put your energy where it’s needed the most.

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