baby finger food

What’s your Favorite Baby Finger Food?

Your baby is starting to eat with their fingers, but what do you feed them?! Trying to find out what to feed your kid can be difficult; this is why we broke it up to the baby finger foods we think are the best!

Best finger food for baby


10. Bananas – Bananas are one of the first things babies can eat – and boy do they love them! It’s healthy, easy to hold and chew.

9. Baked Potato Medley (White potato & Sweet potato) – While fries is not healthy, baked potatoes are. They can be cut into baby fries or into cubes and baked so that they’re soft enough to handle.

best baby fingers foods

8. Peas –For a little challenge, make peas for your baby! They’ll love trying to grip the little peas with their hands and they’re easy to chew!

7. Blueberries – Blueberries are less allergenic then strawberries and raspberries and don’t tend to follow the berry baby food rules. They are a great choice for children though – They’re the number one source of antioxidants, vitamin C, K, B6 and fiber! You can either cut them in half or give it to your babies whole.

6. Carrots – Ever see how fast your baby reacts to something bright and colorful? Carrots are a great snack for children. They are easy to eat, and their color will catch your babies attention every time!

5. Tofu Cubes – This might be a tough sell to your child as its flavor isn’t as strong as some of the other finger foods. But it is high in protein and easy to eat. And if you’re child loves it – that’s perfect!

4. Peaches – Peaches are delicious and a crowd favorite. They’re high in Vitamin C and Vitamin A as well as a great source of fiber. They can be made in different ways. You can bake the peach or cut the peach raw and cube it. If the peach slices are too slippery – crush up some cheerios and powder it over the peaches.

3. Mixed Veggies (squash, green beans, carrots) – If your baby just loves vegetables then why not mix it up? Boil some vegetables, cut them into cube and watch your baby lavish in mixed vegetable goodness!

2. Cheese – Cheese is a great source of calcium and vitamins and delicious! Cut different cheeses in cubes and give them to your baby.

1. Cheerios – What child doesn’t love cheerios!? Easy to pick up, fun to eat, and easy to clean. Cheerios are a perfect healthy baby finger food.


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