moving into a new house

Saving Money on Moving into a New House

In this beaten down economy finding ways to save money is no longer a just a luxury. With rising food costs, fluctuating gas prices and increasing rates for even the basic necessities, adding when moving into a new house can be a financial disaster unless you are prepared to cut corners in order to create a cushion for the long haul.

Moving into a New House

Budget: Expenses can spiral out of control from the very beginning unless you get organized. Know from the very start what your budget is and stick to it. Create a checklist of items you will need for the move and then transfer to an Excel spreadsheet that will allow you to itemize each expense. This spreadsheet will come in handy at tax time too since some moving expenses are tax deductible.

Create a Checklist: Items you will need include movers, moving truck, gas for moving truck, additional insurance, boxes, bubble wrap, tape, permanent markers, a cleaning crew, transportation to new home, childcare arrangements, meals while you’re unable to cook in the new home, storage fees, lodging, utility deposits and even a set amount for new décor or household items you’ll need at move in.

Request Estimates: Now that you have you checklists in place go row by row and begin calling businesses to get quotes. For example, call at least 5 moving companies before settling on one. Ask what all is included in their rate; truck, movers, boxes, moving straps and dollies. Don’t be afraid to ask for discounts too. Storage companies, for instance, typically have first month free specials. Pick up packing supplies like moving tape and permanent markers at the dollar store. No need to spend a lot, you’ll only use this stuff once.

moving into a new house

Hire Movers vs. DIY: Once you’ve selected the least expensive moving company quote compare it to the costs associated with DIY moving. How much will it cost to rent a truck? What will the gas costs be? How much will packing supplies be? The most important question has to be, how long will it take you and a couple of friends or family members to load your truck and move your belongings? These are all valid questions and should be considered before scheduling the movers or renting the truck.

Be Frugal: When saving money on a move to a new house, be frugal in every aspect of the move that you can. For instance, instead of spending a lot of money on bubble wrap, use newspaper. Thrifty papers are free at the local convenient store. Save the bubble wrap for the crystal. You also don’t have to spend tons on boxes. Hit up your local grocery stores on delivery days when they have more boxes than they care to break down. They’ll be happy to let you take them off their hands.

While there’s still a long road ahead of you with the actual move, take comfort in knowing you’ll be settling into the new house with a little money left in your pocket. And it was all thanks to the budget you set from the very beginning. Good job!

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