dating tips

Frugal Dating Tips for Married Couples

Just because you are married doesn’t mean you should give up date night with your husband or wife. Actually, a date every now and then can do wonderful things for your marriage. Unfortunately dates often come with a hefty price tag, making them impossible for some couples to afford. Luckily there are some great date night ideas that fit into almost any budget. If you are married and would like to know how to be frugal about dating, the following tips can help.

Dating Tips

1. Plan a Do-It-Yourself Picnic

Given the rising costs of almost everything, dining and entertainment are certainly no exception. A perfect remedy to this is a do-it-yourself picnic. This will not only save money, but will give you and your spouse some quality alone time together. Pick a park or picnic area with limited traffic to avoid interruptions and distractions. Pack a light dinner and an inexpensive bottle of wine and enjoy every minute of your frugal date.

2. Save on a Babysitter

If you have kids, you know a reliable, responsible babysitter can often set you back quite a bit of money. If you can, try to get your children’s grandparents or other relatives to watch them. This will help you save money and give your kids time with their family. If you do not have any family members nearby, make a babysitting deal with a trustworthy neighbor. In exchange for them watching your kids, you will watch theirs the following weekend.

3. Go to the Early Matinee

Movie prices have gotten incredibly high, but most movie theaters still offer cheaper prices until the early evening. If you and your spouse really want to catch a flick, try to make it to the earlier matinee to save some money on your movie tickets. Early matinees are also a smart idea if you plan on dining out for dinner on your date. You will be less likely to purchase snacks if you know dinner is coming after the movie.

4. Keep an Eye Out for Restaurant Promotions

Many restaurants these days offer excellent promotions on their food. This not only gets people in the door, but saves them money as well. Keep an eye out for promotions at restaurants in your area. Often times you and your spouse can both dine for around $20. Also pay attention to restaurants near you that feature daily specials on food and drinks. Take advantage of these specials whenever possible to save you and your spouse some money on dining.

dating tips

5. Forego the Pricey Drinks at Restaurants

Many people do not realize how expensive drinks are at restaurants. The truth is drinks at restaurants are often very pricey and can quickly make a small bill much larger. Try to skip the drinks at dinner to save money. If you and your spouse are really in the mood for a cocktail, stop at a small bar on the way home. Drinks are usually much cheaper at bars. Better yet, stop at a party store and pick up some drinks to have when you get home. This will save you from having to drive home after drinking.

6. Stay in for the Evening

A wonderful frugal date idea for married couples is to plan a romantic dinner and stay in for the evening. If your kids are at a babysitter, it is often nice to have a relaxing date together at home rather than going out. Make a yummy meal that each of you love and rent a movie. You will be surprised how much money you can save simply by staying in for the night.

These are all great frugal dating tips for married couples. Keep in mind the main goal of your date is to spend time with your spouse, not spend tons of money. These ideas will easily allow you to have a wonderful date with your spouse without breaking the bank.

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