single mom life is hard

Single Mom Life Happiness

Single mom life is hard! But what makes you happy? What are the emotional attractions that capture your heart and allow you to feel alive? It is so important to know and understand what you need to make you feel better. Your emotional and mental health and well-being is important for your physical health. What you feel needs to be transparent to yourself.

When you are happy, smiling, laughing and enjoying an activity, conversation or attachment to something you feel complete. When you are happy you sleep better and have more energy.  Genuinely laughing at what tickles your fancy releases tension and stress.

Too many people, single parents and children of divorce are living with daily stress.  That stress alone can and likely will attract health problems that affect all aspects of your life.  What are you allowing to stress you out?  Is it worth the pain and damage inflicted upon you?

Why is Single Mom Life Hard?

If you are holding onto anger, resentment, grief, despair, powerlessness, guilt, feelings of hatred or rage how is that serving you?  What are those feelings doing to you?  How can you choose to release them and enjoy more happiness?

What gives you pleasure?  What allows you to release stress?  Exercise can be a great stress release than is also beneficial to your physical health.

When will you stop making excuses to emotional, physically and mentally healing?  When will you make happiness a priority in your life?single mom life is hard

Some of these questions may make you feel uncomfortable, especially if you take them seriously.  That is the process of healing.  Your healing or embracing a life of happiness can happen quickly, or can take forever.  It is always your choice.

Will you choose to be happy?
You do not have to change over night, but wouldn’t it be nice?  You do not have to make changes alone, wouldn’t it be nice to have support and help on the journey of feeling happier?

Make choices that allow you and your children to feel better one day at a time until it becomes habit.  Wouldn’t it feel awesome to be happy, healthy and wealthy everyday and continue to attract more and more?  You can!

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