how to get pregnant with a boy

How to get pregnant with a boy

Gender selection which is the process of predetermining the gender of your child is a controversial topic when it comes to medicine. In society, some couples are desperate to conceive a child of a given sex. Fathers can be eager to have a son while there are those mothers who seriously long for a boy. Personal and societal pressures have forced many couples to attempt different methods which increases the chances of conceiving a boy. Although most fertility experts and doctors regard these techniques as ineffective, there are some research results that indicate that these methods may increase the chances of giving birth to a boy. If you are desperate to get pregnant with a boy, try the following methods.

1. Determine the mother’s ovulation

According to studies, having sex as close to ovulation as possible increases your chance of conceiving a boy. To determine your ovulation day, follow the instructions below

• Observe your cervical mucus each day. Immediately after periods, the high levels of estrogen cause the mucus to be thin while at the beginning of ovulation, the high levels of progesterone cause the mucus to thicken and become elastic. You should constantly monitor these changes and discover the pattern. This will help you to determine your ovulation date.
• You can also determine your ovulation date by monitoring the changes in your body temperature. During ovulation, the body temperature tends to spike. This can be monitored along with a change in cervical mucus.
• Other than the changes in cervical mucus and basal body temperature, you can also use ovulation predictor kits. The kits are used to determine the ovulation date by detecting Luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine. LH is a hormone that triggers the release of a female egg by the ovary. It is important to test the production of LH twice in a day. If the test is positive, then ovulation will occur after about 24 hours.

2. Have your husband maximize his sperm count

Your man should take the necessary steps to increase his sperm count. This is important since high sperm count will increase the chances of conceiving from a single session of sex. For this reason, a man should abstain from sex for a period of about 3 and 5 days before ovulation. In addition, he should keep his testes cool by avoiding tight-fitting underwear and hot tubs. This is important since sperm production is much higher when the temperature at the testis is slightly lower than the body temperature. It is also important for your man to stop smoking, avoid certain drugs such as chemotherapy medication and stop drinking alcohol. This is because certain medications can affect a man’s fertility while nicotine and alcohol can lower the sperm count.

3. Have sex as close to ovulation as possible

After determining your ovulation date, then you should have sex within the narrow window which should start 24 hours before ovulation and not later than 12 hours after ovulation. This increases the chances of conceiving a boy since at this time the boy sperm will reach the egg much faster than the female sperm. This is because during this time the cervical mucus is slippery and less acidic. In addition, a boy’s sperm is highly fragile as compared to girl sperm. For this reason, having sex during ovulation will increase the chances of a male sperm fertilizing the egg since the sperm will not have to wait for the egg and die in the to get pregnant with a boy

4. Position during intercourse

If you are looking forward to get pregnant with a boy, it is advisable to have sex using a position that promotes deep penetration. The logic behind this is that deep penetration places the sperm near the cervix giving the boy sperms which are fast-moving an advantage to reach the fallopian tube quickly and fertilize the egg. On the other hand, having shallow penetration and depositing sperm far from the cervix gives the more durable girl sperms an advantage to reach the fallopian tube and fertilize the egg.

5. Attempt to give the mother an orgasm

According to research, male sperms which are more fragile as compared to female sperms tend not to survive for long in the acidic environment inside the woman’s reproductive system. For this reason, it is important to ensure your woman reaches her orgasm. This is important since during a female orgasm, extra cervical fluid is released making the vagina to have an alkaline environment. An alkaline environment is suitable for male sperms and this increases the chances of having a baby boy.


Although the suggested methods have no medical or scientific support, it is important to try some of the suggested methods if you are looking forward to get pregnant with a  boy. Plan carefully and discuss this with your husband.

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