getting pregnant

How to Get Pregnant 6 Important Tips to Getting Pregnant

For some women, getting pregnant can be easy whether they are working for their first, second or third child. Unfortunately for others, reaching the goal of fertilization becomes a mad mating dance and a nightly chore that rotate around specific sexual positions, ovulation kits and a succession of fertility tests to help determine the possible infertility problem. Whether you have been trying to get pregnant for a while or you have just started trying, you can boost your odds of conceiving if you heed to some advices that are based on good science.

If your body has been used to implants, patches and pills, it can take time for reproductive system to get back into the swing of things. Some of the tips to getting pregnant include;

Tip #1: Visit your practitioner

If you are looking forward to conceive and have a healthy baby, you need to visit a health practitioner to determine if your body is up for the task and whether you are in the baby-making shape. Scheduling preconception checkups will help you to resolve the underlying health issues that prevent you from becoming pregnant.

Tip #2: Healthy diet

If you need to increase your chance of getting pregnant fast, you need to have a healthier diet and lifestyle. Research has shown that a balanced diet and regular exercise can balance the body and keep it on top form. Fresh vegetables and a variety of fruits provide the body with key vitamins and minerals that boost fertility. Some of the fertility boosting food you need to concentrate on include zinc-rich foods such as oysters. Zinc is important in increasing libido and sperm count. Women need to consume food with folic acid such as broccoli and spinach. This is important since folic acid lowers the risks of irregular ovulation and increase progesterone levels. Apart from zinc and folic acid rich food you also need to eat other vegetables, dairy products and fruits in sensible quantities. This is important since the nutrients provided by such foods will increase your chance of becoming pregnant and improve your health.

Tip #3: Figure out when you ovulate

If you have a regular cycle of 28 days, you need to figure out the day at which you ovulate. To determine your ovulation date, you need to count 14 days from the first day of your period. If you don’t have a regular cycle, an ovulation kit may help to determine your most fertile time. Most of the ovulation kits available in the market determine the most fertile time by measuring the levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. LH is a hormone that stimulates the ovaries to release the female egg. If you have a regular cycle, you need to keep on testing your urine from day 11 so that you don’t miss your surge.

Another way to track your ovulation is monitoring your cervical mucus. This method involves monitoring your secretion until you notice a pattern. Research has shown that estrogen which is released after menstruation causes the mucus to thin. However, after ovulation the high levels of progesterone cause the mucus to thicken. Once you notice this pattern, you can choose to consummate several times leading up to that day.getting pregnant

Tip #4: Get busy at the right time

Once you determine your ovulation date, you can make plans to have sex at your most fertile days. This can start three days before ovulation all the way through the day of ovulation. Research has shown that sperms can survive in a woman reproductive system for up to three days. This means you have a range of days for baby making. Having sex prior to ovulation means there will be healthy sperms waiting for your egg in your fallopian tubes ready for fertilization once your egg is released.

Tip #5: Set the stage for super sperm

Sperms need to be healthy, strong and plentiful for them to be able to swim through the woman’s reproductive system. For your partner to have strong and healthy sperms, he needs to abide to several things
• Avoid hot tubs and hot baths. This is because heat kills sperms
• Eat enough of certain key nutrients such as vitamin C and D, Calcium, folic acid and zinc. Such nutrients help to create plentiful, strong and wiggly sperms.
• Avoid tobacco and recreational drugs since toxins in such substances can cause poor sperm function
• Cut back on alcohol since daily drinking of alcohol can reduce sperm count, reduce testosterone and increase the number of abnormal sperms.

Tip #6: Detox

Accumulation of toxins in the body from the environment and from diet can slow down the digestive system and cause blood intoxication. This can eventually lead to intoxication of other body systems including the reproductive system. Toxins within the reproductive system can reduce your chance of becoming pregnant and increase the chances of premature birth and miscarriage. To get pregnant quickly and successfully have a healthy baby, you need to cleanse your internal body system through healthy diet.


If you live healthy, determine your ovulation period and cleanse your internal body system, it is likely you will conceive within the first three months. If this does not happen for an extended period of one year, it is advisable to visit your health care provider to determine the underlying cause of infertility. However, you need to be patient and keep on trying, know your cycle and have sex regularly. In addition, avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine.

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