causes of divorce

Causes of Divorce

The causes of divorce varies greatly from couple to couple. What may be perceived as the main problem in one marriage may be very different in another. In a troubled marriage, there generally is not one particular reason a marriage fails, but rather a compilation of reasons. Nonetheless, there are some reasons that seem to be more common than others.

One of the most common reasons listed for divorce is irreconcilable differences or, rather, incompatibility. In many states, these reasons for divorce are considered to be “no-fault”.

Among the most common causes for divorce, is poor communication. Often, couples find themselves in a relationship without the skills to properly communicate with each other. Instead of talking about their troubles, they bottle things up inside until it’s just too late.

Another very common cause of divorce is financial problems. When there are financial struggles, unless there is a strong relationship to fall back on, financial troubles can quickly lead an othewise blissful couple straight to divorce court.

Infidelity is another common reason for divorce. Couples often find it hard to reconcile after there has been infidelity in their marriage. Counseling will very often be needed to get the marriage back on track.

At times, there can be a dramatic change in the couple’s priorites. Especially, if the couple married when they were younger, they may find what was important in their early 20’s, now is far less important in their 30’s and 40’s. This can lead to the couple growing apart, rather than together.

Other reasons for divorce can include, substance abuse and addictions, emotional, physical and/or sexual abuse, lack of conflict resolution skills and unmet needs or failed expectations.

In today’s society, there are many causes of divorce. And although there are some fairly common reasons why couples turn to divorce, no one reason proves to be true for every couple. Nor, is there generally just one cause of divorce. More often than not, many factors come into play in a couple turning to divorce.

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